A healthy diet

By X-Admin on 22.26 , ,
Healthty Tips - Already a nature where all living things need food. Moreover, human beings are the most perfect of course need food for energy sources, maintaining the body's resilience in the face of disease and for growth and development. Of course, to be able to realize the usefulness of fine food can not eat any food. Especially in this day and age many diseases are caused by the wrong diet. Therefore, we would have to know how healthy eating it.
To obtain a healthy diet that there are at least three criteria that we should meet, among others:
  •  The amount of food we eat
We must balance the amount of calories in the amount of energy we spend. If the number of calories in is greater than the energy that we spend, we'll be overweight.
In addition to the amount, komposisipun be balanced as much as 60-70% carbohydrates, protein as much as 10-15%, 20-25% total fat, vitamins and minerals (A, D, E, K, B, C, and Ca).
  • Type of food we eat
Type of food we eat must contain carbohydrate, protein, fat and specific nutrients.
Can we meet the complex carbohydrates of wheat, rice, wheat, fruits and vegetables. Choose carbohydrates that are high in fiber and reduce carbohydrate derived from sugar, syrup and sugary foods. Consumption of sweet foods at most 3-5 tablespoons per day.
Body's need for fiber by more than 25 grams per day. To fulfill it is recommended to consume fruits and vegetables.
Protein intake should be complete between vegetable and animal protein. Source of vegetable protein derived from soybeans, tempeh and tofu, while animal protein derived from fish, meat (beef, chicken, buffalo, goat).
The human body also needs fat, but the consumption of excessive fat will cause a negative impact, for it is advisable not to consume too much fat.

Sources of vitamins and minerals found in vitamin A (liver, milk, carrots, and vegetables), vitamin D (fish, dairy, and egg yolks), vitamin E (oil, nuts, and soy), vitamin K (broccoli, spinach and carrots), vitamin B (wheat, fish, milk, and eggs), and calcium (milk, fish, and soy).
  • Feeding schedule

Have regular eating schedule, it's better to eat in small amounts but frequently and regularly than eating in a portion of a lot but not regularly.
While the Directorate of Community Nutrition Republic of Indonesia issued a Code of Balanced Nutrition as follows:

  1.  Eat a variety of food
  2. Eat food to satisfy the adequacy of energy
  3. Eat a carbohydrate source half of its energy needs
  4. Limit consumption of fats and oils to a quarter of the energy needs
  5. Use of iodized salt
  6. Eat the food sources of iron
  7. Give only breast milk to infants until the age of four months
  8. Make a habit of eating breakfast
  9. Drink clean water, sufficient amount of safe
  10. Do a physical activity and exercise regularly
  11. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages
  12. Eat foods that are safe for health
  13. Read the labels on packaged foods.

By knowing  a healthy diet as above  we can always be expected to maintain the health of our bodies.


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