Dancing for Health Benefits - Healthty Tips

Dance or dancing is not only the activities that people liked, but could also be one that can provide physical activity for health benefits.

Several types of dances such as tango, salsa, belly dancing and some other dances are not only useful for burning calories, because dance is also help fight disease.

There are many health benefits that we can get from this type of dance that follows, as reported by The Sun.

  • Salsa can fight depression

Studies at the University of Derby in 2007 showed that people who learn salsa can help fight depression. The researchers revealed that the dancing could trigger the release of happy hormones in the brain and help improve concentration and confidence. Salsa is also very good to help the mobility of the lower back.

  • Country dancing can strengthen bones

Studies conducted at Glasgow Caledonian University last year showed that the country dances of Scotland can help increase bone density. This dance style can provide power for stability, ankle and balance.

  • Dance tango improve body balance

Researchers at Washington University found that dancing can help improve balance and mobility of Parkinson's disease patients, the condition of a progressive neurological disorder. Turns and runs back very relevant to people with the condition. Tango also help improve upper body strength.

  • Foxtrot Dance may delay dementia

Researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York said that the elderly who try this dance may have a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease makes the body fit and they provide protection against disease.

  • Belly dancing can increase sexual stamina

Belly dancing can help strengthen the lower abdominal and pelvic muscles of women. This can help to improve the sensitivity and orgasm during sex. It also can reduce the problems of women such as bladder control, especially after childbirth. This dance is also a flat stomach, strengthens the arm and back muscles effectively.

  • Jive can prevent diabetes

Jive is one of the best cardiovascular exercises with a focus on the mobility of the foot, and this dance can make people sweat a lot. Keep in mind that the body to sweat will help you lose weight, thus reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.


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