Tips For a Healthier Home

By X-Admin on 21.11 ,
Healthty tips - The house is a primary need of every human being. Because of the house is all the basic things we can know and form, call it love, togetherness, cooperation, comfort, until the person's character is formed from the house. For that, a healthy home with a good environment to be one absolute requirement to be met. What kind of house can be said to be healthy? If the home can meet the physical and spiritual needs are worth not only as a residence but it also offers protection from the influence of the great outdoors. How do I create a healthy home?
  •      Environmental Notice
The home environment is very influential on the health of your own home. Because of the lack of healthier environments, many diseases will appear. Some to consider the home environment related to health are:

Waste affects the health of our environment. Rubbish piled up to make a nest of disease, it is necessary for the proper handling of household waste, separate the organic and inorganic waste, place it in proper place (special waste disposal away from the residence), do not burn your garbage because it will cause pollution, better to hoard rubbish that can break down, or if possible, manage your waste into fertilizer (compost).
Noting the water situation is also an effort to make the home as a healthy environment. However, water is the main requirement for humans, for that we need to pay attention to his health. Mainly concerned with where we get the source water for daily needs such as drinking, cooking and bathing. Water said to be healthy when the source (wells) constructed with a minimum distance of 7 meters of dirty water sources (septick tanks, wells, sewer who are not waterproof). Also, do not let the presence of standing water in your neighborhood. The water that flooded more than a week, will become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, the source of the disease. Make absorption wells, trench - a trench or ditch so that water can flow.

Creating a green area of ​​the home environment, is also one of the efforts to make homes healthier. Green area that is intended, can be green plants that is simple in small pots hanging, along the fence or if it has a garden or orchard, optimize for various planting greenery and flowers as a sweetener. Plants grown in a green area that you should plant in addition to providing a fresh view, also can also be used, such as medicinal plants (living pharmacy) such as ginger, lime leaves, turmeric, nutmeg, etc.. Or it could be a small bermedium vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, etc.. Remember, always take care of your plants, not to plant around the house, forget trimmed and eventually became shady and closed areas of the house. Plants that are shady and too dense, will cause the home environment into a dark and damp, so it can block the morning sun shining on the house.
Often, some of us, have pets at home. Cat, Dog, Rabbit or Marmot, Fish or Chicken and Duck may be familiar, but still consider her treatment. These animals, not only need to eat to live, but also need to live a comfortable place to live and also convenient for us to be able to live side by side with them. Put the animals sometimes do not get too close to home, or bilapun close to home, try to locate primarily animal waste disposal, in particular places are easy to clean. Use all manner of relating to animals, especially for animals. Do not mix a variety of furniture whether it is a place to eat, drink, towels, mattresses and so mixed with human (our owner).

  • Note the Air
Healthy home, marked with the room spacious. That is not stuffy for a smooth exchange of oxygen and sufficiency. Consider the passage of air in your home appropriately. In a healthy home air requirements can be met with a hole ventelasi enough. Give your home ventilation with appropriate size, number and needs of air needed. Ideally, the air vents in each room is a unit with a medium that allows air to go out smoothly. When mounted air conditioner at home, turn off the AC occasionally or when not in use, so that air can be replaced with new ones.
  • Note the Light
Bright lighting also signifies that our house is included in the healthy category. The best light, is derived from sunlight is sufficient. To meet the needs of this light, the role of the window is very helpful. The existence of a window at home, as well as areas such as ventilation air exchange, but also as a medium for light to penetrate the room of the house. Broad windows, tailored to your spacious room, or floor of a house with a window area ratio 1 / 8 or 1 / 6 of floor space.

A healthy homes provide comfort and warmth of family


1 Response to 'Tips For a Healthier Home'

  1. Princess Kaurvaki'> 16 Januari 2012 pukul 23.56

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    ~ Princess Kaurvaki :


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